Genome Organization

3D Genome Organization: Principles and Mechanisms

One of the major goals of our lab is to understand the principles and mechanisms of genome organization. The mammalian genome is spatially organized in the nucleus to enable cell type-specific gene expression. Investigating how chromatin organization determines this specificity remains a big challenge due to the high-scale complexity of the genome: various kinds of chromatin regulators, different types of functional DNA elements, and sophisticated interactions between the two. We are developing high-throughput technologies both experimental and computational to discover functional DNA elements and novel genome regulators. Coupling with genomic, molecular, and chemical biology approaches, we aim to understand the fundamental principles and molecular mechanisms of genome organization across the tree of life. We further investigate how genome regulation goes awry in diseases, and how we can manipulate, restore, and de novo synthesize chromatin organization to develop new therapeutics. 

Some immediate questions/projects that we are working on: